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4 sets stainless steel wire drawing machine shipped to India

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4 sets stainless steel wire drawing machine shipped to India

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-03-13 13:41

(Summary description)Four drawing machines for stainless steel produced by Listrong Electrical & Mechanical are packed and sent to old customers in India today.

4 sets stainless steel wire drawing machine shipped to India

(Summary description)Four drawing machines for stainless steel produced by Listrong Electrical & Mechanical are packed and sent to old customers in India today.

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-03-13 13:41
  • Views:
Listrong have shipped 4 sets ss wire drawing machine to the old customers in India.

This type of drawing machine for steel wire is suitable for drawing stainless steel or high carbon.
The type drawing machine for steel wire is 17DBX.
Inlet diameter:Ф1.2mm-Ф1.8mm

Outlet diameter:Ф0.4mm-Ф0.8mm

Maximum drawing speed:360MPM/MAX

Max. number of drawing dies:17(No. 1 is independent; No.2~16 are made of cast iron,
Pedestal can be adjusted according to the capstan)

Mechanism surface reduce rate: From No.1 to No.16 is 13% , No. 17 is 8%

Drawing method:4 spools horizontal arrangement; horizontally sliding continuous drawing
Listrong Mechanical & Electrical is a professional wire drawing machine manufacturer in China,and our wire drawing machines are mainly supplied to India, USA, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nepal, Russia and other markets.
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Contact person: Paul Wu Liu
Contact number: +86-13167029626
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