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Listrong returns to work on Feb. 19th

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Listrong returns to work on Feb. 19th

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-02-22 13:58

(Summary description)Listrong mechanical & electrical Co.,Ltd have return to work on Feb. 19th.In the New Year,Listrong will provide better service for our customers.

Listrong returns to work on Feb. 19th

(Summary description)Listrong mechanical & electrical Co.,Ltd have return to work on Feb. 19th.In the New Year,Listrong will provide better service for our customers.

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-02-22 13:58
  • Views:

Listrong mechanical & electrical Co.,Ltd is a professional wire drawing machine manufacturer in China.And returns to work on Feb.19th.

In the New Year,we have introduced advanced production equipment, excellent professionals.

Quality wins market,Integrity makes brand.We will provide better service for our customers.




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