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How much does wire drawing machine cost?

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How much does wire drawing machine cost?

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-04-03 11:12

(Summary description)The cost of the wire drawing machine is also different according to the size of the wire diameter, drawing materials, and machine configuration.

How much does wire drawing machine cost?

(Summary description)The cost of the wire drawing machine is also different according to the size of the wire diameter, drawing materials, and machine configuration.

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-04-03 11:12
  • Views:
LISTRONG Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. is a professional wire and cable production equipment manufacturer with development, design, whole plant planning and technical advice, manufacture, installation, commissioning and after-sales service in one.
Our main products are wire drawing machine, annealing machine, wire bunching machine and other related equipment for bare copper, copper alloy and stainless steel wire etc.
The cost of the wire drawing machine is also different according to the size of the wire diameter, drawing materials, and machine configuration.
You can contact us for details.
Contact person:Paul Wu Liu
Tel number:+86-13167029626

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