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Chinese New Year Hoildays Date_Listrong wire drawing machine

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Chinese New Year Hoildays Date_Listrong wire drawing machine

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-02-03 14:45

(Summary description)Listrong mechanical & electrical Co.,Ltd wish all you and your family a Happy and Success 2021. Any enquiries,Pls feel free to +86-13167029626 or email to Paul

Chinese New Year Hoildays Date_Listrong wire drawing machine

(Summary description)Listrong mechanical & electrical Co.,Ltd wish all you and your family a Happy and Success 2021.
Any enquiries,Pls feel free to +86-13167029626 or email to Paul

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-02-03 14:45
  • Views:

Our company will be closed from February 7th to February 18th, 2021 for Chinese New Year and will resume regular operations on February 18th,2020.

We are sorry for any inconvenience it may occur. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to call +86-13167029626 or email to Paul

On this occasion, we wish all you and your family a Happy and Success 2021.

Professional wire and cable equipment manufacturer in China,served the world is the goal of our Listrong.

Specialized in Rod breakdown wire drawing machine,medium wire drawing machine,fine wire drawing machine,super fine wire drawing machine,continuous wire drawing machine,annealing machine,bunching machine and so on.

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