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LISTRONG Donate to Help With COVID-19 Prevention and Control

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LISTRONG Donate to Help With COVID-19 Prevention and Control

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2020-02-14 15:46

(Summary description)Jiangsu Listrong donated to Help With COVID-19 Prevention and Control

LISTRONG Donate to Help With COVID-19 Prevention and Control

(Summary description)Jiangsu Listrong donated to Help With COVID-19 Prevention and Control

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2020-02-14 15:46
  • Views:

On Feb. 14th2020, in order to fight against outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Mr. Ma zhiqiang, general manager of Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd., donated to Dongtai government. The donation is used to support party cadres, volunteers and grid members to stick to the "fight against epidemic line", who are protecting the people and families from the epidemic.

As an enterprise dedicated to wire and cable machine manufacturing for many years, LISTRONG always pays close attention to the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and devoted its love in the special period, which fully demonstrates the high sense of social responsibility of the enterprise.

"It is the duty and responsibility of our enterprise to offer meager contribution to the society."Mr. Ma said.

We believe that with the correct leadership of our party and the selfless dedication of all sectors of society, the people of the motherland will be able to overcome difficulties together and win the nonexplosive epidemic war !


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