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LISTRONG Returns to Work on 2020/02/24

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LISTRONG Returns to Work on 2020/02/24

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2020-02-24 15:48

(Summary description)On the morning of Feb. 24th, Jiangsu Listrong Mechanic & Electrical Co., Ltd. officially returned to work.

LISTRONG Returns to Work on 2020/02/24

(Summary description)On the morning of Feb. 24th, Jiangsu Listrong Mechanic & Electrical Co., Ltd. officially returned to work.

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2020-02-24 15:48
  • Views:

Spring brings new things to the earth. On the morning of Feb. 24th, Jiangsu Listrong Mechanic & Electrical Co., Ltd. officially returned to work. At the gate of the company, employees wearing masks lined up in an orderly way to take their temperature before entering the factory. 

LISTRONG always puts the health of its employees first. As early as before the official resumption of work, the preliminary epidemic prevention work was deployed in an orderly manner. The epidemic prevention plan exercise, training and epidemic prevention disinfection was taken over and over again. The staff also response quickly and cooperate actively, consciously comply with the company's epidemic prevention and control requirements and take good personal prevention measures.

 In the critical stage of fighting against the epidemic, LISTRONG strictly controls the epidemic with one hand and focus on the economic operation with the other, continuously promotes the resumption of work of all projects, tries to minimize the impact of the epidemic on production, and make relentless efforts to ensure the smooth and healthy operation of the enterprise.


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