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Listrong blooming in Wire & Cable India 2019

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Listrong blooming in Wire & Cable India 2019

(Summary description)Wire & Cable India 2019 was successfully closed in New Delhi. For Listrong, it is a feast of the cable industry, or a journey of harvest.

Listrong blooming in Wire & Cable India 2019

(Summary description)Wire & Cable India 2019 was successfully closed in New Delhi. For Listrong, it is a feast of the cable industry, or a journey of harvest.

  • Categories:company news
  • Time of issue:2019-11-12 10:23
  • Views:

On November 8, Wire & Cable India 2019 was successfully closed in New Delhi, India. Listrongs products are Bare Copper Wire Drawing Machine, Aluminum Alloy Drawing Machine, Stainless Steel Drawing Machine, etc.



After careful preparation, with high-quality equipment, superb technical standards and best service, Listrong has attracted many foreign businessmen to visit and consult. There are also many purchasers who have brought the technical problems encountered on the site. After the technical guidance of Listrongs engineer, many customers are satisfied and reach the purchase intention on the exhibition.


This is a feast of the cable industry, or a journey of harvest. In this exhibition, Listrong also received many valuable comments from end users and traders.


In recent years, Listrong machinery has made a long-term development in the wire and cable industry. However, we know that there is a long way to go. Listrong will continue to improve management system, accelerate brand strategy, and create more quality cable equipment for more users and friends.




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