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Jiangsu Listrong 212DBX two-wire drawing machine will export to India

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Jiangsu Listrong 212DBX two-wire drawing machine will export to India

(Summary description)212DBX fine stainless steel wire two-wire drawing machine is used for double stainless steel wires drawing.

Jiangsu Listrong 212DBX two-wire drawing machine will export to India

(Summary description)212DBX fine stainless steel wire two-wire drawing machine is used for double stainless steel wires drawing.

  • Categories:company news
  • Time of issue:2019-10-21 16:58
  • Views:

212DBX fine stainless steel wire two-wire drawing machine is used for double stainless steel wires drawing at the same time, it attracts more interests due to its characteristics comparing with traditional single wire drawing machine:

Heavy duty, stable and durable;

Saving space, power consumption and labor force。

Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical main products are wire and cable production. If you have any demands, please contact us.


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