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Jiangsu Listrong - Tube & Wire Southeast Asia 2019

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Jiangsu Listrong - Tube & Wire Southeast Asia 2019

(Summary description) Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. take part in at Booth No: K20. On the exhibition, many old customers came to our booth and praised Listrong's products and services. At the same ti

Jiangsu Listrong - Tube & Wire Southeast Asia 2019

(Summary description) Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. take part in at Booth No: K20.
On the exhibition, many old customers came to our booth and praised Listrong's products and services. At the same ti

  • Categories:company news
  • Time of issue:2019-09-26 16:37
  • Views:

Tube & Wire Southeast Asia 2019, which lasted for three days from September 18 to 20, 2019, successfully closed in Thailand. Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. take part in at Booth No: K20.1

During the exhibition, Jiangsu Listrong Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. keeps close contact with old and new customers. Customers from Thailand and all over the world are invited to visit and introduce our products. The products include bare copper wire drawing machine, aluminium alloy drawing machine, stainless steel wire drawing machine, annealing machine and auxiliary equipment.

On the exhibition, many old customers came to our booth and praised Listrong's products and services. At the same time, Listrongs attracted some new customers.



In recent years, despite the severe global economic crisis, Listrong adheres to provide with high-quality product and best service, and expecting to cooperate with more new friends.


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