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What is wire drawing machine?

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What is wire drawing machine?

(Summary description)The wire drawing machine is usually be used to change the diameter or shape of the wire rod through the drawing die from capstan to capstan to achieve the desired diameter or shape.

What is wire drawing machine?

(Summary description)The wire drawing machine is usually be used to change the diameter or shape of the wire rod through the drawing die from capstan to capstan to achieve the desired diameter or shape.


Working principle of wire drawing machine:

The wire drawing machine usually changes the diameter or shape of the wire rod through the drawing die from capstan to capstan to achieve the desired diameter or shape.

Classification of wire drawing machine:

According to the number of drawing dies: Single die wire drawing machine and Multi-die wire drawing machine;
According to the working characteristics: Sliding wire drawing machine and Non - sliding wire drawing machine;
According to the shape of drum: It can be divided into tower-shaped drum drawing machine, cone-shaped drum drawing machine and cylindrical drum drawing machine;
According to the type of lubrication:Spray drawing machine and Immersion drawing machine;
According to the drawing wire diameter: Rod breakdown drawing machine,Medium wire drawing machine,Fine wire drawing machine,Super fine wire drawing machine;

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