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5 Sets of FWD drawing machine shipped to India

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5 Sets of FWD drawing machine shipped to India

(Summary description)4 set of 24DT & 1 set of 14DT fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing have shipped 5 sets of fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing to the users in India.

5 Sets of FWD drawing machine shipped to India

(Summary description)4 set of 24DT & 1 set of 14DT fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing have shipped 5 sets of fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing to the users in India.

  • Categories:company news
  • Time of issue:2021-03-03 15:59
  • Views:

Listrong have shipped 5 sets of fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing to the users in India.

4 set of 24DT fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing & 1 set of 14DT fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealing.

This fine wire drawing machine is suitable for drawing bare copper & copper-clad-aluminum wire drawing and annealing at the same time.

For 24DT, It can drawing wire from 0.5mm-1.0mm to 0.1mm-0.3mm.and the max.speed is 2000mpm.

For 14DT,It can drawing wire from 0.8mm-1.6mm to 0.25mm-0.6mm.and the max.speed is 1200mpm.

Listrong Mechanical & Electrical is a professional wire & cable equipment manufacturer.

We are specially in wire drawing machine,annealing machine and bunching machine etc.

Welcome to contact us:

Contact person: Paul Wu Liu

Contact number: +86-13167029626

Contact mail: Paul

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