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New Type Of Four-wire Fine Wire Drawing Machine With Continuous Annealer(Manufacturing Plant,High Safety Level,Online Support,Video Technical Support,Machinery Repair Shops,Competitive Price)

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New Type Of Four-wire Fine Wire Drawing Machine With Continuous Annealer(Manufacturing Plant,High Safety Level,Online Support,Video Technical Support,Machinery Repair Shops,Competitive Price)

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New Type Of Four-wire Fine Wire Drawing Machine With Continuous Annealer(Manufacturing Plant,High Safety Level,Online Support,Video Technical Support,Machinery Repair Shops,Competitive Price)

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  • Categories:company news
  • Time of issue:2020-10-28 14:52
  • Views:

October 10, a new four -  wire fine wire drawing machine with continuous annealer has been successfully tested in LISTRONG.

Compared with the traditional fine wire-drawing machine, the new fine wire drawing machine has three advantages: first, high speed, energy saving, saving site manpower; Second, tension independent control, not easy to break the wire; Third, two options available for take up(same bobbin or four bobbins separately).

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