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How to deal with frequent wire breakage in wire drawing production ?

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How to deal with frequent wire breakage in wire drawing production ?

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-06-26 15:34

(Summary description)In the production process of the wire drawing machine, there are frequent wire breakages, and the operator should find corresponding countermeasures according to the unused situation and solve them in

How to deal with frequent wire breakage in wire drawing production ?

(Summary description)In the production process of the wire drawing machine, there are frequent wire breakages, and the operator should find corresponding countermeasures according to the unused situation and solve them in

  • Categories:News
  • Time of issue:2021-06-26 15:34
  • Views:
Reason for disconnection:
1. The sizing area of ​​the wire drawing die will become larger due to normal wear and tear during uninterrupted production.
2. The quality problems of various rod materials. During the production process, the rod materials irregularly appear quality defects, which causes the wire rod to be broken by various unpredictable tensions during the drawing deformation. This situation rarely occurs when the rod material is good.
3. The annealing current is not constant during production, and the current is suddenly high, and the wire is broken during the annealing process or fused by a sudden strong current.
Before production, the pre-produced copper rods should be fully self-inspected, and the quality defects of the copper rods should be discovered in time, and corresponding countermeasures should be found in time according to different situations, or the drawing speed should be reduced, or the defects in this section should be eliminated.
During the production, constantly observe whether the annealing current of the wire drawing is normal, especially when it is just started, pay special attention to the change of the annealing current, adjust the annealing current according to the change of the wire speed, and then make the annealing current slowly follow the wire The speed increases and becomes larger to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.
I believe that as long as the above points are controlled in actual production, the quality and production efficiency of copper wire drawing products will be improved to varying degrees, so as to better and faster provide a strong production guarantee for the next process. 

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