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Tube & Wire Southeast ASIA 2019

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Tube & Wire Southeast ASIA 2019

(Summary description)Tube&WireSoutheastASIA2019ExhibitionDate:Sept.18-20,2019LISTRONGMechanical&ElectricalCo.,Ltd. is acablemanufacturer.(EX: RodBreakDownMachine & MediumWireDrawingMachinewithContinuousAnnealing & HighSpe

Tube & Wire Southeast ASIA 2019

(Summary description)Tube&WireSoutheastASIA2019ExhibitionDate:Sept.18-20,2019LISTRONGMechanical&ElectricalCo.,Ltd. is acablemanufacturer.(EX: RodBreakDownMachine & MediumWireDrawingMachinewithContinuousAnnealing & HighSpe

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  • Time of issue:2019-07-01 14:45
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Tube & Wire Southeast ASIA 2019

Exhibition Date: Sept.18-20,2019

LISTRONG Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. is a cable manufacturer.(EX: Rod Break Down Machine & Medium Wire Drawing Machine with Continuous Annealing & High Speed Medium Wire Drawing Machine with Continuous Annealing & Double Fine Wire Drawing Machine. With high-quality product, advanced technology and best service, our products, well trusted and supported, have been sold throughout China and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South Africa and other regions. Our Booth No: FOA70-1, we are looking forward to your coming!

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